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La Medecine Raisonne'e De M. Fr. Hoffmann V8 (1743) (French Edition) by Hoffmann, Friedrich, Bruhie... ISBN: 9781104879396 List Price: $40.95
La Medecine Raisonne'e De M. Fr. Hoffmann V8 (1743) (French Edition) by Hoffmann, Friedrich, Bruhie... ISBN: 9781104976743 List Price: $55.95
Zoflora; or, The generous negro girl, from the Fr. of J.B. Piguenard by Picquenard, Jean-Baptiste ISBN: 9781458951427 List Price: $16.00
Avrillon on the Holy Spirit; Readings for Ascension and Whitsuntide, Tr. and Abridged From t... by Avrillon, Jean Baptiste É ISBN: 9780217442640 List Price: $14.94
Selenium in Medicine and Biology Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Trace E... by Neve, Jean, Favier, Alain E. ISBN: 9780899255033 List Price: $193.35
Proces Du Tres Meschant Et Detestable Parricide Fr. Ravaillac, Publ. Sur Des Mss. Du Temps P... by Ravaillac, Jean François ISBN: 9781141296880 List Price: $21.75
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Under the Ban, Le Maudit, Tr. from the Fr. of L'abb ***. (French Edition) by Michon, Jean Hippolyte ISBN: 9781142522490 List Price: $31.75
Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, Tr. From the Fr. of Jean Jacques Rousseau by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ISBN: 9781151420664 List Price: $12.98
Euripides / Curante Jo. Fr. Boissonade by Euripides, Boissonade, Jean... ISBN: 9781144903532 List Price: $32.75
Eucharistic Meditations for a Month, Tr. from the Fr., Ed. by O. Shipley by Avrillon, Jean Baptiste É ISBN: 9781143311796 List Price: $32.75
Four plays of the Free Theater; The fossils, by Francois de Curel; The serenade, by Jean Jul... by Ancey, Georges, Jullien, Je... ISBN: 9781115754590 List Price: $30.99
Biographie de Frs. Vezina by Langelier, Jean Chrysostome ISBN: 9781116109368 List Price: $17.75
The Elements of English Conversation, with New Dialogues in Fr., Engl., and Ital (French Edi... by Perrin, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781143616839 List Price: $23.75
Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, Tr. from the Fr. of Jean Jacques Rousseau by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ISBN: 9781143541759 List Price: $21.75
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Mmoires De Lucile, by De Vareilles-Sommires, Augu... ISBN: 9781147667004 List Price: $34.75
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